EduGorilla is an educational community and a one-stop solution to career needs of students at all standards. We help students for finding the right institute, get their queries answered, read reviews and get them the details of various coaching institutes. We make well informed answers accessible to questions ranging from career goals to skill development to even the smallest academic doubts.

We are passionate about creating an ever-expanding collaborative platform which guides individuals at each step, whether they are beginners or masters or trying to change their career path. It strives to erase the boundary confinement between students and teachers with our students’ conclave which promotes online learning.

We provide alternative solutions to student agendas on digital platform through Information and Communications Technology. We facilitate students with online study materials that can be accessed 24*7 from any part of the world. We hold a repository and authentic information from over a lakh of institutions and a choice of over a thousand courses.

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